The Consequences of Being an Independent Woman in Kurdish Society Culture and Education June 28, 2015
How Kurdish education neglects homegrown experiences of the peoples of Kurdistan Culture and Education May 21, 2015
The Consequences of Being an Independent Woman in Kurdish Society Culture and Education June 28, 2015
Roboskî project with photos of youngsters and kids Medya Editorial Culture and Education June 22, 2014
Sherko Bekas: Poetry is a continuous act of questioning and questions have no ending Art and Photography August 3, 2014
Healthy advantages of breast-feeding for both infants and mother’s Health and Nutrition September 5, 2013
“This is a man’s world, but it is nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl” Health and Nutrition June 30, 2013
“A Kurdish Doctor can be as Good as any Doctor from Anywhere” Aras Ahmed Mhamad Culture and Education November 5, 2013
Dr Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou Tara Fatehi Politics and Society 023 years ago today, on the 13 July 1989, a legendary Kurdish leader, to many Kurds and associates, was assassinated...
Kurdistan’s Unsung Heroes Tara Fatehi Politics and Society 0The history of Kurdish women has sadly been an invisible one — not because people don’t want to know about...
One Rainy Day Tara Fatehi Politics and Society 0As I sit on this crowded bus, packed with office workers in suits and university students eager to get home...
Never Forget Halabja Tara Fatehi Politics and Society 0On March 16 1988, I wasn´t even in this world. My parents hadn´t even met yet for there to a...
Adelaide Kurdish School Tara Fatehi Politics and Society 0Of course, without a doubt. I must dedicate my first blog post to my pride and joy: The Adelaide Kurdish...