The Consequences of Being an Independent Woman in Kurdish Society Culture and Education June 28, 2015
How Kurdish education neglects homegrown experiences of the peoples of Kurdistan Culture and Education May 21, 2015
The Middle East Crisis and the Kurds: Paving A Way Forward Medya Editorial Politics and Society March 9, 2014
The Consequences of Being an Independent Woman in Kurdish Society Culture and Education June 28, 2015
Yaya, Why Can’t My Teacher Find Kurdistan on the Map? Medya Editorial Culture and Education June 29, 2013
Sherko Bekas: Poetry is a continuous act of questioning and questions have no ending Art and Photography August 3, 2014
Healthy advantages of breast-feeding for both infants and mother’s Health and Nutrition September 5, 2013
“This is a man’s world, but it is nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl” Health and Nutrition June 30, 2013
“A Kurdish Doctor can be as Good as any Doctor from Anywhere” Aras Ahmed Mhamad Culture and Education November 5, 2013
Interview with Taffan Ako Taha Tara Fatehi Interviews 0Taffan was born in 1994 in Slemani, Kurdistan. Her family migrated to Sweden when she was only two years of age....