In 2015, it is very easy to let the media distort our view of certain parts of the world, especially the Middle East. The goal of this article was to challenge the images and ideas that often come into people’s mind upon discovering that Kurdistan is in the Middle East, and proving with pictures (because I believe that pictures can speak louder than words) that those assumptions have no real pillar upon which they can stand, and that they are nothing more than just assumptions molded and formed with the help of the media. I want to show that Kurdistan really is a beautiful part of the world, and that like many other Middle Eastern countries, has been victim to preconceived notions about the people, the culture, and the standard of living within its borders. Enjoy!
1. Mud Houses

2. Intolerance Towards Other Religions

3. Bland Food

4. Boring Scenery

5. No Ancient History

6. Not Safe

7. It’s a Giant Desert

8. The Women Are Oppressed

9. Boring Architecture

10. Everybody Rides a Camel

11. Boring Countryside

12. The Cities Are a Ruin

13. Nothing to Do

14. Nothing to See

15. Kurds Do Not Know How to Party

16. The Villages Are More Boring Than the Cities

These photos are collected on various websites, all credit and image rights belong to their rightful owners.