The Consequences of Being an Independent Woman in Kurdish Society Culture and Education June 28, 2015
How Kurdish education neglects homegrown experiences of the peoples of Kurdistan Culture and Education May 21, 2015
The Consequences of Being an Independent Woman in Kurdish Society Culture and Education June 28, 2015
Sherko Bekas: Poetry is a continuous act of questioning and questions have no ending Art and Photography August 3, 2014
A Peshmerga with a Pencil: Dr Osman Ahmed & the Anfal The Darling Beast Art and Photography August 2, 2014
Healthy advantages of breast-feeding for both infants and mother’s Health and Nutrition September 5, 2013
“This is a man’s world, but it is nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl” Health and Nutrition June 30, 2013
Islamic Parties in the Kurdistan Region Medya Editorial Politics and Society 0The violence of some groups of Islamic extremists has become an observable reality, for example in Syria and Tunisia. This...
An interview with Chahin Baker (Shahin B. Sorekli) by Tara Fatehi Tara Fatehi Interviews 0Kak Shahin was born in the village of Mezre, in the Kurdish region near the town of Kobani at the...
Human Rights: A Ruthless Political Game Zhino Kardo Politics and Society 0“There are no human rights without political rights” – Hannah Arendt The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is something that...
Kurdistan Careers 2013 – Press Release Tara Fatehi Culture and Education 0On September 4th and 5th, 2013 the Second Annual Kurdistan Recruitment and Training Fair (Kurdistan Careers 2013) will be taking place...
A Starving Nation Medya Editorial Culture and Education 0As a Kurd, have you ever felt the strain of answering questions about your existence? Has anyone ever questioned your...
Thoughts for the future. Part one; Ideas of unity Pishtgir Goran Politics and Society 1To make our way forward, you have to understand that the current situations have presented itself throughout past decisions. This...
An introduction to diasporic identity Hero Karimi Politics and Society 1The struggle for Kurdistan[1] emerged in the context of a fragmented nature of existence, occupied by different nation-states, and rulings powers...
Not everything that glitters is gold: Kurds and gullibility. Hero Karimi Politics and Society 2The late British-American journalist and political analyst Christopher Hitchens once wrote, “For [Kurds] the act of survival, even identity itself,...
Where are the Women in Kurdish Politics? Zhino Kardo Politics and Society 0The world of Kurdish politics is not like any other in the world. It has a very complicated and unique...
Where Did Kurdistan Come From? Medya Editorial Politics and Society 2As a British born and raised Kurd I have come to realise the greatest struggle, especially for those in the...