The Consequences of Being an Independent Woman in Kurdish Society Culture and Education June 28, 2015
How Kurdish education neglects homegrown experiences of the peoples of Kurdistan Culture and Education May 21, 2015
The Consequences of Being an Independent Woman in Kurdish Society Culture and Education June 28, 2015
Em kî ne? Kî ne em? Who are we?: Themes and symbols used in Cigerxwîn’s poem “Kî ne em?” Veene Sulaivany Culture and Education July 16, 2013
Sherko Bekas: Poetry is a continuous act of questioning and questions have no ending Art and Photography August 3, 2014
Healthy advantages of breast-feeding for both infants and mother’s Health and Nutrition September 5, 2013
“This is a man’s world, but it is nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl” Health and Nutrition June 30, 2013
Interview: Ferhat Encu – Roboski massacre Medya Editorial Interviews 0Earning money for a living is not easy in the Roboski town. Villagers of Roboski go into fields surrounded with...
A Biased History Medya Editorial Culture and Education 1It was Malcom X who said that “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who...
The road to my big curly waves Medya Editorial Fashion and Lifestyle 0As a beauty blogger, there are a few questions you get over and over no matter how many times you...
Yaya, Why Can’t My Teacher Find Kurdistan on the Map? Medya Editorial Culture and Education 3Do you remember the first time you were asked, where is Kurdistan? Many of us in the diaspora have a...
The Gift of the Diaspora Medya Editorial Culture and Education 1I grew up in the diaspora with a hole in my heart. I often feel a part of my identity...
Where Did Kurdistan Come From? Medya Editorial Politics and Society 2As a British born and raised Kurd I have come to realise the greatest struggle, especially for those in the...
Hani på flugt med sin drøm Medya Editorial Uncategorized 0Den kurdiske sangerinde Hani fortæller i et interview om sin flugt fra Iran, med intet andet end en kuffert og en stor...
Er du en særlig sensitiv person? Test dig selv her Medya Editorial Sundhed og Ernæring 0Har du altid haft en fornemmelse af at være anderledes end andre, har du brugt meget krudt på at ville...
Portræt af Qazi Muhammad: 66 år siden han gik bort Medya Editorial Uncategorized 0Qazi Muhammad, stifteren af Kurdistan’s Republik af Mahabad og af det kurdiske parti PDKI, blev d. 31.3.1947 hængt af det Iranske...
Lars Aslan Rasmussen genvalgt for socialdemokraterne Medya Editorial Uncategorized 0I mandags blev politikeren med kurdiske rødder, Lars Aslan Rasmussen, genvalgt som folketingskandidat for Socialdemokraterne på Nørrebro. I den anledning har...